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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Story interviews

Topic: Bravo! 2010

Angle: Students auditioning for Bravo! 2010

Students from past Bravo!'s
What are some tips you could give to students auditioning for the first time?
  • Ben Habbeger: "Don't be nervous. Show energy and excitment! Really sell it for all you've got, Mrs. Sagen loves it.
  • Bethany Seavers-Templeton: "Give it all you've got. Don't ever walk away from you audition with "I should have done..." going through your mind. Before your audition, practice a TON! in front of a mirror, with friends, in front of your parents, your dog, whatever to get you comfortableperforming in front of people. Remeber that the audition starts when you walk through the door, so walk in with confidence and pride in yourself and what you do. After you sing and dance, finish with just as much pride as you started with. Walk out proud no matter how the audition went. Be proud about tripping over your own feet, be proud about overshooting the note, just be proud."
  • Michael Selchow: "For students who are auditioning the first time, I would say to just go out there and go for it. It's a blast and you will not regret at least giving it a try. It's something you'll remember forever!"
Why did you choose to audition for Bravo! again this year?
  • Michael Selchow: " I am choosing to audition for Bravo! this year because the past three years have been an absolute blast and I love all the people who are involved."
  • Peter Cassada: " I decided to try out for Bravo! again this year because I've always had a great time in the past and I love all the people that I get to be with during the rehearsals and shows, as well as the fact that I love getting to use my best abilities and to create music."
What has been your favorite part about Bravo!'s in the past?
  • Ben Habbegar: "I love being a partof the Bravo! cast because you get so close with everyone. Practices are slow at first but I find meself close to everyone by the end ot the production. Almost liek a family."
  • Bethany Seaver-Templeton: "I lvoe all of the people (performers, techies, directors) who help make it possible to put on the show. They give off such a wonderful energy all the time and it makes me get excited. Also, I always know that someone will be happy to see me when I'm there and that makes me feel special."
  • Kiersten Rustad: "my favorite part about bravo is the family that is created through the show."
  • Peter Cassada: "My favorite part of Bravo! in the past has been getting to meet new people with the same interests as me. I've met some of my best friends in Bravo! and the memories are some of the best I've ever had."
What is the most difficult part of Bravo! to you?
  • Ben Habbegar: "Bravo is a huge commitment. If you've got other activities like sports or speech, making it to all of the practices can be a hassle. Learning the dances also gets tiring, but it's totally wirth it in the end!"
  • Bethany Seaver-Templeton: "Probably the most difficult is dealing with the differing and clash of personalities among different people. It's the same deal as with any group; there's drama, heartache, injuries, etc. and everyone deal with them differently. But overall, it's a life changing experience to be part of that size a production."
  • Michael Selchow: " I would say that the most difficult part of Bravo! for me is probably having to quickly memorize all of the songs and choreography simultaneously - however it's not terribly difficult with a little practice!"
  • Peter Cassada: "The dancing is the most difficult part of Bravo! to me because when you add the choreography and moves on top of the singing, you're brain is working twice as hard."

Students auditioning for the first time
What are you most nervous about?
  • Tom Richmond: "Auditioning. Perforning for the directors and seeing the results."
  • Jessica Dykstra: "The only part I'm nervous about is the tryouts. If you get through there you're in and everything gets a tiny less stressful."
What have you done to prepare for your audition?
  • Tom Richmond: "I have gone over the song and I am going to the Sunday Workshop."
  • Jessica Dykstra: "what I've done so far is plunk the notes of the tryout song on the piano a few times. I'm also going to the workship to learn the dance this Sunday."
Why did you choose to audition for Bravo! 2010?
  • Tom Richmond: "Because I have always been into the arts, and the shows always look great!"
  • Jessica Dykstra: "I'm auditioning for bravo because I love dancing and singing and when you mix the two together you get this awesome explosion of entertainment."

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