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Monday, October 25, 2010

Advertising! Oct. 25th

What is the company?
     Sony PS2
Who is the target audience:

     Gamers, mostly 18-30 year old males
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?

     Action, humor, human interest
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?

     Fast, quick change of frames
What is the slogan/message for the company?

     "Live in YourWorld. Play in Ours"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

      Yes, it was like the game so it made sense

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:

     People over 21
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?

     human interest, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?

     Variety or long and close shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?

Was the message effective? Why or why not?

     Somewhat, didn't completely relate to product

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Female Drivers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Music, celebrity
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Drivin Love"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     It would be effective to people who like Celeine Dion 

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Soda Drinkers, Reality TV followers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrities, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
      Close-ups and wide shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "It's a twist on a Great Thing"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     Yes, gets attention

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     FedEx users, 20-50 year olds
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Human Interest, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     FedEx (no slogan)
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     Yes, it gets attention
What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Male Drivers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Action, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Grab Life by the Horns"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
    Yes, good opening- good use of humor
What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Basketball fans
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     celebrity, action
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Wide shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Is it in you?"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
What is the company?
     Sports Center
Who is the target audience:
     Sports fans, Sports Center watchers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrity, human interst, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Close-ups, Frantic
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "This is Sports Center"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

What is the company?
     H&R Block
Who is the target audience:
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrity, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Variety, close-ups and long shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "We'll find what others miss"
     "Double Check"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

What is the company?
     Bud Light
Who is the target audience:
     People over 21
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     establishing shot
What is the slogan/message for the company?
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Camera Notes

• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)
Tape: DVD/hard drive
Tripod: Holds steady
Microphone: Don't give interviewee the mic

Headphones: Make sure mic works!
Power: Battery or AC adaptor
Light Source: Camera light, floor light, natural light

• Shooting into a light source= Silhouette

Button to adjust= Backlight

• Where do you want your light source? Behind camera

• On what object should you focus the camera? Nose

• No tripod= Bad!

• Date and Time= Permanently recorded to your tape (don't use in EV Studio)

• What's the difference between SP/EP?
SP: Standard Play on tape
EP: Extended Play on tape

• Camera shoots in SP.
• Pre-Roll: 2-3 seconds before you start interview
• Post-Roll: 2-3 seconds after you end interview

Camera Shots:
 ***Background: Dynamic (have Depth, not plain), interviewee 6-8 ft from wall, Interviewee IS the shot, not the poster

• 1 Shot: Middle of chest to above the head
• 1 Shot with graphic: a 1 shot to side to leave space for a graphic
• 2 Shot: 2 people (for anchors, never for an interview)
• CU: Close Up
• MS: Medium Shot (Closer to person)
• LS: Long Shot (entire Body, entire scene)
• ECU: Extreme Close Up

• Rule of thirds: Imaginary lines drawn dividing the shot into thirds vertically and horizontally. Put person's eyes in center block.

Camera Movement:

• Tilt: Moving the camera lense higher or lower
• Pan: Moving the camera left or right

• Zoom: Changing the focal length of the camera (closer or farther away without moving the camera)

• Dolly: physically moving the camera, usually on wheels

• Key: the main brigthest light that hits the subject (at 45 degree angle)

• Fill: Fills in the shadows on the subject

• Back: Seperates the person from the background. Not directly behind the person (points directly at Key light)

• Unidirectional: picks up sound from one direction
• Omnidirectional: picks up sounds from every direction (internal microphones in cameras have these)
• Cardiod: Heart shaped (most used mics in studio)
• Lav/Lapel Microphone: Clips onto shirts
• Boom Microphone: on a pole, can be dropped into scene to get sound from a distance. (used in movies)