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Monday, October 4, 2010

Camera Notes

• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)
Tape: DVD/hard drive
Tripod: Holds steady
Microphone: Don't give interviewee the mic

Headphones: Make sure mic works!
Power: Battery or AC adaptor
Light Source: Camera light, floor light, natural light

• Shooting into a light source= Silhouette

Button to adjust= Backlight

• Where do you want your light source? Behind camera

• On what object should you focus the camera? Nose

• No tripod= Bad!

• Date and Time= Permanently recorded to your tape (don't use in EV Studio)

• What's the difference between SP/EP?
SP: Standard Play on tape
EP: Extended Play on tape

• Camera shoots in SP.
• Pre-Roll: 2-3 seconds before you start interview
• Post-Roll: 2-3 seconds after you end interview

Camera Shots:
 ***Background: Dynamic (have Depth, not plain), interviewee 6-8 ft from wall, Interviewee IS the shot, not the poster

• 1 Shot: Middle of chest to above the head
• 1 Shot with graphic: a 1 shot to side to leave space for a graphic
• 2 Shot: 2 people (for anchors, never for an interview)
• CU: Close Up
• MS: Medium Shot (Closer to person)
• LS: Long Shot (entire Body, entire scene)
• ECU: Extreme Close Up

• Rule of thirds: Imaginary lines drawn dividing the shot into thirds vertically and horizontally. Put person's eyes in center block.

Camera Movement:

• Tilt: Moving the camera lense higher or lower
• Pan: Moving the camera left or right

• Zoom: Changing the focal length of the camera (closer or farther away without moving the camera)

• Dolly: physically moving the camera, usually on wheels

• Key: the main brigthest light that hits the subject (at 45 degree angle)

• Fill: Fills in the shadows on the subject

• Back: Seperates the person from the background. Not directly behind the person (points directly at Key light)

• Unidirectional: picks up sound from one direction
• Omnidirectional: picks up sounds from every direction (internal microphones in cameras have these)
• Cardiod: Heart shaped (most used mics in studio)
• Lav/Lapel Microphone: Clips onto shirts
• Boom Microphone: on a pole, can be dropped into scene to get sound from a distance. (used in movies)

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