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Friday, November 12, 2010

The Truman Show Paper

The Truman Show
            For a movie to be worth 5 stars it must be able to show something new to the world. The movie The Truman Show can be seen as a masterpiece but to a real show creator it can seem as much different. The show is unrealistic in many ways, but it shows an interesting way about how media has influenced our society, but with an ending that leaves you confused.
            For the main character Truman to not discover that his life is a setup is unrealistic for real life. For example, the weather in Seahaven changes very quickly. When Truman is a young boy he and his father go sailing, the island is supposedly in a bay. The extreme weather on the water that happens is unrealistic to the weather patterns in a real bay. Also, throughout Truman’s life many people break onto the set in attempts to tell Truman that his life is a fake. Even for a character on the show such as Silvia to not be able to tell Truman about this, and the speed at which they react when she tries to is not like real timing. For Truman to not understand why certain things in the town don’t work, and why some buildings don’t seem quite right is not normal. He would have known something was very wrong, which he does by the elevator, but he is unable to explain this to people. He becomes suspicious of what is happening but for this show to be true reality TV he would be looking in more ways than just like he did for answers.
            Reality TV has grown in many ways since the making of this movie. When The Truman Show was first created this idea of following the life of a person seemed ridiculous. To create a world that is not real for pure entertainment and no storyline was unheard of. You see hundreds of reality TV shows popping up on many stations. In today’s age we really do see children grow from birth in shows such as Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Many people have grown addicted to watching other on TV instead of going on with our own. For some this persistent watching of reality could even be described as an addiction that needs professional help. Within the next 10 years you may start see support group for reality TV addicts. When a little kid watches shows like this they can get the idea that acting in that way is real and acceptable in the world today. But the way in which we move on is up to us, and Truman must also make that transition from reality TV to the real world.
            The ending of The Truman Show to me didn’t seem very good. For this to be real life, he doesn’t seem very emotional for finding out his entire life was a lie, and that he had no real friends of family to turn to. He has no place to go, no way to escape this massive set on the moon to get to earth. This movie is set in modern day, 1998. The technology in Truman’s world is not up to date, and he does not know what is happening in the world he is soon to go to. I would have like to know more about if he finds the character which he falls in love with on the show Silvia. The creator does show her trying to find him, and one must assume that he is looking for her but they do not say whether or not they find each other or not. I think that the movie could have done much better in explaining what will happen to him, where he will go, and if he will find who and what he is looking for.
            The show is unrealistic in many ways, but it shows an interesting way about how media has influenced our society, but with an ending that leaves you confused. Overall I wouldn’t give this movie 5 stars, but maybe someone else will.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Advertising! Oct. 25th

What is the company?
     Sony PS2
Who is the target audience:

     Gamers, mostly 18-30 year old males
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?

     Action, humor, human interest
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?

     Fast, quick change of frames
What is the slogan/message for the company?

     "Live in YourWorld. Play in Ours"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

      Yes, it was like the game so it made sense

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:

     People over 21
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?

     human interest, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?

     Variety or long and close shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?

Was the message effective? Why or why not?

     Somewhat, didn't completely relate to product

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Female Drivers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Music, celebrity
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Drivin Love"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     It would be effective to people who like Celeine Dion 

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Soda Drinkers, Reality TV followers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrities, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
      Close-ups and wide shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "It's a twist on a Great Thing"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     Yes, gets attention

What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     FedEx users, 20-50 year olds
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Human Interest, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     FedEx (no slogan)
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
     Yes, it gets attention
What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Male Drivers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Action, Humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Grab Life by the Horns"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
    Yes, good opening- good use of humor
What is the company?
Who is the target audience:
     Basketball fans
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     celebrity, action
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Wide shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "Is it in you?"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?
What is the company?
     Sports Center
Who is the target audience:
     Sports fans, Sports Center watchers
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrity, human interst, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Close-ups, Frantic
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "This is Sports Center"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

What is the company?
     H&R Block
Who is the target audience:
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
     Celebrity, humor
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     Variety, close-ups and long shots
What is the slogan/message for the company?
     "We'll find what others miss"
     "Double Check"
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

What is the company?
     Bud Light
Who is the target audience:
     People over 21
What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)?
How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message?
     establishing shot
What is the slogan/message for the company?
Was the message effective? Why or why not?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Camera Notes

• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)
Tape: DVD/hard drive
Tripod: Holds steady
Microphone: Don't give interviewee the mic

Headphones: Make sure mic works!
Power: Battery or AC adaptor
Light Source: Camera light, floor light, natural light

• Shooting into a light source= Silhouette

Button to adjust= Backlight

• Where do you want your light source? Behind camera

• On what object should you focus the camera? Nose

• No tripod= Bad!

• Date and Time= Permanently recorded to your tape (don't use in EV Studio)

• What's the difference between SP/EP?
SP: Standard Play on tape
EP: Extended Play on tape

• Camera shoots in SP.
• Pre-Roll: 2-3 seconds before you start interview
• Post-Roll: 2-3 seconds after you end interview

Camera Shots:
 ***Background: Dynamic (have Depth, not plain), interviewee 6-8 ft from wall, Interviewee IS the shot, not the poster

• 1 Shot: Middle of chest to above the head
• 1 Shot with graphic: a 1 shot to side to leave space for a graphic
• 2 Shot: 2 people (for anchors, never for an interview)
• CU: Close Up
• MS: Medium Shot (Closer to person)
• LS: Long Shot (entire Body, entire scene)
• ECU: Extreme Close Up

• Rule of thirds: Imaginary lines drawn dividing the shot into thirds vertically and horizontally. Put person's eyes in center block.

Camera Movement:

• Tilt: Moving the camera lense higher or lower
• Pan: Moving the camera left or right

• Zoom: Changing the focal length of the camera (closer or farther away without moving the camera)

• Dolly: physically moving the camera, usually on wheels

• Key: the main brigthest light that hits the subject (at 45 degree angle)

• Fill: Fills in the shadows on the subject

• Back: Seperates the person from the background. Not directly behind the person (points directly at Key light)

• Unidirectional: picks up sound from one direction
• Omnidirectional: picks up sounds from every direction (internal microphones in cameras have these)
• Cardiod: Heart shaped (most used mics in studio)
• Lav/Lapel Microphone: Clips onto shirts
• Boom Microphone: on a pole, can be dropped into scene to get sound from a distance. (used in movies)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My peer edits.

I peer edited Austin Tuskowski's (p.2), Ravyn Silva, Dylan Kulberg, and Laura Gruhke. All through commenting on thier blogs.

Friday, September 24, 2010

News Story Script

Each year many students from Eastview line up in hopes of having the experience of a lifetime. To most students BRAVO! makes their school year.

What has been your favorite part about being in BRAVO! in the past?

"My favorite part of BRAVO! in the past has been getting to meet new people with the same interests as me. I've met some of my best friends in BRAVO! and the memories are some of the best I've ever had."

To most students the experience is rewarding enough they try out again the next year too.

"I am choosing to audition for BRAVO! this year because the past three years have been an absolute blast and I love all the people who are involved."

Newcomers are most worried about having to do that first audition.                                                                          

"The only part I'm nervous about is the tryouts. If you get through there you're in and everything gets a tiny less stressful."

But for every newcomer there is a seasoned veteran to give some helpful hints.

”Show energy and excitement! Really sell it for all you've got, Mrs. Sagen loves it.”

“For students who are auditioning the first time, I would say to just go out there and go for it. It's a blast and you will not regret at least giving it a try. It's something you'll remember forever!"

Follow your fellow students and audition for BRAVO! 2010 and hopefully you’ll get the chance to have your experience of a lifetime too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Story interviews

Topic: Bravo! 2010

Angle: Students auditioning for Bravo! 2010

Students from past Bravo!'s
What are some tips you could give to students auditioning for the first time?
  • Ben Habbeger: "Don't be nervous. Show energy and excitment! Really sell it for all you've got, Mrs. Sagen loves it.
  • Bethany Seavers-Templeton: "Give it all you've got. Don't ever walk away from you audition with "I should have done..." going through your mind. Before your audition, practice a TON! in front of a mirror, with friends, in front of your parents, your dog, whatever to get you comfortableperforming in front of people. Remeber that the audition starts when you walk through the door, so walk in with confidence and pride in yourself and what you do. After you sing and dance, finish with just as much pride as you started with. Walk out proud no matter how the audition went. Be proud about tripping over your own feet, be proud about overshooting the note, just be proud."
  • Michael Selchow: "For students who are auditioning the first time, I would say to just go out there and go for it. It's a blast and you will not regret at least giving it a try. It's something you'll remember forever!"
Why did you choose to audition for Bravo! again this year?
  • Michael Selchow: " I am choosing to audition for Bravo! this year because the past three years have been an absolute blast and I love all the people who are involved."
  • Peter Cassada: " I decided to try out for Bravo! again this year because I've always had a great time in the past and I love all the people that I get to be with during the rehearsals and shows, as well as the fact that I love getting to use my best abilities and to create music."
What has been your favorite part about Bravo!'s in the past?
  • Ben Habbegar: "I love being a partof the Bravo! cast because you get so close with everyone. Practices are slow at first but I find meself close to everyone by the end ot the production. Almost liek a family."
  • Bethany Seaver-Templeton: "I lvoe all of the people (performers, techies, directors) who help make it possible to put on the show. They give off such a wonderful energy all the time and it makes me get excited. Also, I always know that someone will be happy to see me when I'm there and that makes me feel special."
  • Kiersten Rustad: "my favorite part about bravo is the family that is created through the show."
  • Peter Cassada: "My favorite part of Bravo! in the past has been getting to meet new people with the same interests as me. I've met some of my best friends in Bravo! and the memories are some of the best I've ever had."
What is the most difficult part of Bravo! to you?
  • Ben Habbegar: "Bravo is a huge commitment. If you've got other activities like sports or speech, making it to all of the practices can be a hassle. Learning the dances also gets tiring, but it's totally wirth it in the end!"
  • Bethany Seaver-Templeton: "Probably the most difficult is dealing with the differing and clash of personalities among different people. It's the same deal as with any group; there's drama, heartache, injuries, etc. and everyone deal with them differently. But overall, it's a life changing experience to be part of that size a production."
  • Michael Selchow: " I would say that the most difficult part of Bravo! for me is probably having to quickly memorize all of the songs and choreography simultaneously - however it's not terribly difficult with a little practice!"
  • Peter Cassada: "The dancing is the most difficult part of Bravo! to me because when you add the choreography and moves on top of the singing, you're brain is working twice as hard."

Students auditioning for the first time
What are you most nervous about?
  • Tom Richmond: "Auditioning. Perforning for the directors and seeing the results."
  • Jessica Dykstra: "The only part I'm nervous about is the tryouts. If you get through there you're in and everything gets a tiny less stressful."
What have you done to prepare for your audition?
  • Tom Richmond: "I have gone over the song and I am going to the Sunday Workshop."
  • Jessica Dykstra: "what I've done so far is plunk the notes of the tryout song on the piano a few times. I'm also going to the workship to learn the dance this Sunday."
Why did you choose to audition for Bravo! 2010?
  • Tom Richmond: "Because I have always been into the arts, and the shows always look great!"
  • Jessica Dykstra: "I'm auditioning for bravo because I love dancing and singing and when you mix the two together you get this awesome explosion of entertainment."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Writing A Story Notes

1. Find a topic.
What is your story about?
Who is your audience?
Why is this story important to your audience?

2. Find an angle.
More specifically, what is important about your topic?
What should the reader learn?

3. Collect data/information.
Who are three experts for this story? ask at least 3 questions to each expert.
Do you need opposing points of view?
What interview questions should I ask?
What other research must be done to complete the story?

4. Gather interviews.
Ask open-ended questions. Not yes or no questions! Ask How? Why? or What? quesitons.
Get good sound bytes. Sound Bytle- A peice of audio that can stand by itself.
Have person restate the question in the interview.
5. Organize your sound bytes.
Which quotes should be used?
How can I organize the quotes to tell a story?

6. Write segues/transitions in your story.
Use words to tie the interviews together.
What other information can I add to the story?
Can the story stand on its own?

7. Write ins and outs.
What should the anchors say to introduce my story or bring it to a close? No Scoop, Went to find out,
How should the story begin and end?
What should I say in my stand-up? No 1st Person: I went…
Use attention getter at the introduction but avoid rhetorical questions.

8. Collect b-roll to add to your story.
~b-roll: all video in story

~a-roll: all audio in story
How can video enhance my story?
Make a list of items you would like photographed.
How should I edit the audio and video together to enhance my story?
Should other enhancements like music, graphics, effects be used?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

News Log

Sept. 14th, 2010
Kare11 news at 10

10:00-10:02: Railway Case about 17 year old girl is moving to Appeals court---Unusualness
10:02-10:03: 2 prisoners in Iranian prison are accused of being spies after hiking on the Iranian border. they have now been in jail for 1 year.---Unusualness
10:03-10:06: Carver Mayor hit by possibly intoxicated drivers---Proximity
10:06-10:06: Deputy kills bank robber, deputy gets injuries in the process---Unusualness
10:06-10:07: Emmer introduces a new tax plan---Proximity
10:07-10:07: Former President Clinton is coming to MN to promote his new plan as well as to help campaign for Mark Dayton---Unusualness
10:07-10:07: Wisconsin announces ballot for political candidates---Proximity
10:07-10:08: Governor Tim Pawlenty possibly running for president---Proximity
10:08-10:08: Senior Citizens sports events are hosted in MN---Proximity/unusualness
10:08-10:11: Commercials
10:11-10:12: Valspar Donates its 1 millionth gallon of paint to Habitat for Humanity(HFH)---Feel good Story
10:12-10:15: HFH women are at the building sites to build and paint---Feel Good Story
10:15-10:15: Former President Jimmy Carter and Wife will be in MN Oct. 3rd to help HFH build---Unusualness
10:15-10:16: Sports themed Mazes in MN---Unusualness/Proximity
10:16-10:19: Weather---Timeliness
10:19-10:23: Commercials
10:23-10:26: American League and National League Baseball Scores---Timeliness/Proximity
10:26-10:26: Heisman Award winner gives back his award---Unusualness
10:26-10:27: Gophers vs. USC on Saturday at 2:30---Timeliness/Proximity
10:27-10:28: Camarilla Gives back to the community---Feel Good Story
10:28-10:31: Commercials
10:31-10:32: Project runways Tim Gunn at MOA to sign his book---Unusualness/Proximity
10:32-10:35: Commercials

Law and Ethics Notes

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?
-Freedom of Speech
-Freedom of Religion
-Freedom of the Press
-Freedom of Petition
-Freedom of Assembly

2. What is the Tinker Standard?
Student speech cannot be censored as long as it does not "materially disrupt class work or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others."

-"Our rights as students are not left at the school gates."
-Tinker vs. Des Moines School District (1969)
-Black armbands in 1965.

3. What is the Fraser Standard?
Because school officials have an "interest in teaching students the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior, " they can censor student speech that is vulgar or indecent, even if it does not cause a "material of substantial disruption."
-Bethel School District vs. Fraser (1986)
-Inappropriate speech for class president

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?
Censorship of school sponsored student expression is permissible when school officials can show that it is "reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns."
-Hazelwood School District vs. Kuhlmeier (1988)
-Censor stories in student newspaper about teen pregnancy and divorce.

5. What is the Frederick Standard?
-Morse vs. Frederick (June 25th, 2007)

-January 2002, Olympic torch travels through town
-Senior Frederick unveils banner on the sidewalk across the street which reads: Bong hits 4 Jesus."
-Suspended for 10 days
-School authorized field trips also counts as being at school in terms of rights of students.

6. What is the definition of libel?
A false statement that is written that defames someones character, or hurts someones reputation.

Monday, September 13, 2010

News Notes: September 13, 2010

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.
-News brought to the attention of the public
-Delivering or sharing current events that are newsworthy via radio TV and radio.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
1. Timeliness: to care about things that just happened. Ex: traffic, weather, etc.
2. Significance: an event that impacts a number of people. Ex: Oil Spill, presidential elections, 9/11, etc.
3. Prominence: caring about important people. Ex: celebrities, politicians, etc.
4. Unusualness: things that are unusual and newsworthy. Ex: plane crashes, terrorists, extreme weather, fire, murder, etc.
5. Proximity: things that are close by. Ex: Police reports, weather, sports, etc.
6. Human Interest: a feel good story. Ex: Baby animal at zoo, someone saving another persons life, etc.
What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. Current: broadcast journalism can be live. Print has a deadline.
2. Reader has the ability to read what they want. (Print)
3. Details: print can give much more details than broadcast.
4. Visualization: broadcast journalism allows to be more descriptive though audio and video.
How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?
It is very fast and you can pick and choose what you want to see. it can also give more detail because there is no time restriction. It combines the best of both Broadcast and Print journalism.